Site Maintenance

Independence Community School District, Leinbaugh Field

The collaboration between Riggs Site Consulting and Point of Beginning allows our Site Maintenance and Athletic Field Improvements program to provide key elements to keep fields playable and safe.

Rich Riggs, Riggs Site Consulting Owner & POB Site Maintenance Team Captain, heads and leads the Site Maintenance team with experience in grounds maintenance and athletic fields with projects ranging from the redevelopment of high school varsity baseball and football fields, higher education site projects, to field renovations for the National Football League. Rich’s detailed maintenance programs consists of overall site analysis; soil data, personalized growing program, safety/playability of the field, and a specialized booklet of applications.

Safety & Ultimate Playability - Let us test your G-MAX rating! What's Your Playability?


  • Site Observation
  • Site Maintenance
  • Playability Testing